Retrieve genotypes data from SMARTER database. Only information about the
supported assemblies are returned (see get_smarter_info
more information).
get_smarter_genotypes(species, assembly, dest_path = NULL)
- species
a smarter species ("Goat", "Sheep")
- assembly
the smarter working assembly for such species
- dest_path
the path where the file will be downloaded. If NULL, the
file will be downloaded in the current working directory
a character string with the path to the downloaded file is returned
About SMARTER supported assemblies
Currently SMARTER supports OAR3 and OAR4 assemblies for Sheep and CHI1
and ARS1 assemblies for goat. Genotypes are provided in PLINK binary
format, and compressed in a zip file.
if (FALSE) {
# get genotypes for sheep OAR3 in current directory
get_smarter_genotypes(species = "Sheep", assembly = "OAR3")