smarterapi is an R package which enable to browse the SMARTER backend API and collect smarter data. In this R package, functions to deal with the different API endpoints are implemented.
Collect info about versions
The smarter database is continuously updated, for example when
receiving new samples, genotypes, metadata or when something is fixed or
updated, for example when a new assembly is added. In order to ensure
reproducibility and monitoring changes, genotypes and metadata are
provided using versions: this means that you have to ensure
that the genotypes dataset and metadata are referring to the same
version. You can check database version using the
info <- get_smarter_info()
#> [1] "0.4.10"
#> [1] "2024-05-29 02:41:35 UTC"
The same version system is specified in the genotype file dataset you can download from the smarter FTP site:
$ tree -L 2 SHEEP/
└── OAR3
├── archive
├── SMARTER-OA-OAR3-top-0.4.10.md5
You have to ensure that you are working with the same version, for both metadata and genotypes: if not, you may not find samples in the genotype files or you are referring to an out-dated assembly version. To see the changelist in each version, please refer to the SMARTER-database HISTORY.rst file.
The smarterapi
package is structured to handle
requests/responses to the SMARTER API backend using R packages
like httr
and jsonlite
. In general, each
functions accepts a query=list()
parameter, in which pass
additional parameter to the API endpoint in order to filter results
matching query. Some functions like get_smarter_samples()
or get_smarter_variants()
requires additional parameters
like the species
or the assembly
version. Each
function in general will return results in a data.frame
you could filter out data using dplyr
or with standard R
methods or you could filter data directly by submitting a
proper query to the API. Please refer to the proper documentation to
understand which parameters a function expect. See also the SMARTER-backend
API web interface to have an idea on which parameter are allowed for
each endpoint.
Collect samples
Here are some examples on collecting samples. The main function
required to collect sample is get_smarter_samples()
, which
is an helper function which allow to query the /samples/goat
and /samples/sheep
endpoints of the SMARTER-backend API. We will use some other functions
to have better idea on which values to use to filter data. Remember that
all the parameters you see in each different example can be merged with
other to restrict your query to have only the samples you are looking
Select by datasets
Getting samples by dataset is quite easy, you have to provide the
proper dataset_id
to the get_smarter_samples()
function. However, you have to determine the proper
using the get_smarter_dataset()
function, which model the /datasets
endpoint. For example, to extract only background genotypes
datasets (data generated before SMARTER project) you have to pass the
proper type
to the query
argument. Since the
argument is a list, you can pass multiple parameters
at once. For parameters which supports arrays, you could supply the same
parameter name multiple times: each one will be passed through the API
# select all genotypes datasets made before SMARTER project
background_genotypes <- get_smarter_datasets(
query = list(type = "background", type = "genotypes")
# same as before, but limiting to goat species
background_goat_genotypes <- get_smarter_datasets(
query = list(
type = "background",
type = "genotypes",
species = "Goat"
Take some time to explore the dataframe columns. There are two
importants fields, the first is the _id.$oid
column, which
is the dataset_id
we want to provide to collect samples
belonging to this dataset. The second is the file
which is the archive name which was uploaded into the smarter database.
For example, here is what the background_goat_genotypes
table looks like:
_id.$oid | breed | file |
604f75a61a08c53cebd09b5b | 144 breeds | |
643ec41371506d0c63bc5d63 | 10 breeds | |
643ec41571506d0c63bc5d64 | 23 breeds | |
So collect the adaptmap samples, we can provide the proper
to the get_smarter_samples()
method. We can add additional parameters, like country:
# select the adaptmap id, which is in the first row of the dataframe
adatpmap_id <- background_goat_genotypes["_id.$oid"][1, 1]
adaptmap_goats <- get_smarter_samples(
species = "Goat", query = list(dataset = adatpmap_id, country = "Italy")
The previous case is quite easy, we want only one dataset in
dataframe, so we can simply paste
this value in the get_smarter_samples
query. But how we can
handle multiple datasets? we can transform the proper column in a list
and then renaming it:
# get more datasets
foreground_goat_genotypes <- get_smarter_datasets(
query = list(type = "genotypes", type = "foreground", species = "Goat")
# construct the query arguments
datasets <- as.list(foreground_goat_genotypes$"_id.$oid")
names(datasets) <- rep("dataset", length(datasets))
breeds <- list(breed_code = "LNR", breed_code = "SKO", breed_code = "FSS")
query <- append(datasets, breeds)
# select samples: subset by breed code and datasets
foreground_goat_samples <- get_smarter_samples(species = "Goat", query = query)
We can also use the get_smarter_datasets()
function to
do a reverse selection of our samples, for example to get all the
samples which are not in one or more datasets: suppose, for example, to
collect all samples which are not in the isheep datasets:
# collect all foreground datasets having "isheep" in their name
isheep_datasets <- get_smarter_datasets(
query = list(
type = "foreground",
type = "genotypes",
search = "isheep"
# collect ids for isheep datasets
isheep_ids <- isheep_datasets$"_id.$oid"
# collect all foreground samples
foreground_samples <- get_smarter_samples(
"Sheep", query = list(type = "foreground")
# get rid of isheep_samples
filtered_samples <- foreground_samples %>%
dplyr::filter(!`dataset_id.$oid` %in% isheep_ids)
The last selection example relies on dataset file contents: if you remember the name of the file submitted in the dataset, you can search by datasets content:
datasets <- get_smarter_datasets(query = list(search = "adaptmap"))
_id.$oid | breed | file |
604f75a61a08c53cebd09b5b | 144 breeds | |
604f82821a08c53cebd0a0bf | 144 breeds | |
This time two results are returned, since one is a
phenotypes dataset, while the other is a genotypes. To
select only genotypes, simply add type=genotypes
to the query
Select by breed
You can select samples relying on breeds names or breed
codes. Breed names are written in the languages they come from, so
in order to retrieve Île de France or Fjällnäs breed
samples, you have to specify the full breed name or use the search
parameter with the get_smarter_breeds()
which model the /breeds
breeds <- get_smarter_breeds(
query = list(
species = "Sheep",
search = "de france"
name | code |
Île de France | IDF |
Search for breeds can return multiple values, for example:
breeds <- get_smarter_breeds(
query = list(
species = "Sheep",
search = "merino"
name | code |
Merino | MER |
AustralianIndustryMerino | AIM |
AustralianMerino | AME |
AustralianPollMerino | APM |
ChineseMerino | CME |
MacarthurMerino | MCM |
Merinolandschaf | MLA |
Merino Horned | MEH |
Merino Polled | MEP |
Merino Estremadura | MEE |
Name and codes can be used as they are to select samples by passing multiple arguments to the query:
selected_samples <- get_smarter_samples(species = "Sheep", query = list(
breed_code = "MER", breed_code = "AME"
or to get all the samples with merino in breed name:
# construct the query arguments
query <- as.list(breeds$code)
names(query) <- rep("breed_code", length(query))
# execute query
merino_samples <- get_smarter_samples(species = "Sheep", query = query)
Select by country
You can retrive samples by countries. First get a list of the available countries relying on country name, then extract samples using the correct country name:
italy <- get_smarter_countries(query = list(search = "italy"))
italian_background_sheeps <- get_smarter_samples(
species = "Sheep",
query = list(
country = italy$name[1]
Select by chip
You can select samples relying on the chip they are sequenced. If you search for multiple chip types, you will collect all samples which belongs to any of the specified chip. First, collect a list of the available chips for a certain species:
sheep_chips <- get_smarter_supportedchips(query = list(species = "Sheep"))
manufacturer | n_of_snps | name | species |
illumina | 54241 | IlluminaOvineSNP50 | Sheep |
illumina | 605998 | IlluminaOvineHDSNP | Sheep |
affymetrix | 56793 | AffymetrixAxiomOviCan | Sheep |
affymetrix | 49702 | AffymetrixAxiomBGovisNP | Sheep |
affymetrix | 60379 | AffymetrixAxiomBGovis2 | Sheep |
NA | 0 | WholeGenomeSequencing | Sheep |
Then collect samples relying on chip name, for example:
selected_samples <- get_smarter_samples(
species = "Sheep",
query = list(
chip_name = "IlluminaOvineHDSNP",
chip_name = "AffymetrixAxiomOviCan"
Select by metadata
Since metadata aren’t formatted in the same way in each samples, is difficult to define a single query you can apply to each samples. For the moment, the only queries you can apply on metadata are restricted to their presence or absence. For example, we can collect all samples which have GPS coordinates and phenotypes (any):
smarter_goats <- get_smarter_samples(
species = "Goat",
query = list(
locations__exists = TRUE,
phenotype__exists = TRUE
After that, you have to filter out the smarter_goats
dataframe in order to collect only the samples you want.
Refer samples to their original publication
Suppose you want to refer the samples to the original publication the
come from: in the dataset dataframe we have a doi
column in which the publication DOI is stored. You can use this
information to collect publication information, but you need to merge
samples and datasets dataframes in order to refer
properly the samples to the publication they come from. Here is an
example of how to do:
# collect all the genotypes datasets
datasets <- get_smarter_datasets(
query = list(
species = "Sheep",
type = "genotypes"
# collect all the samples
samples <- get_smarter_samples(
species = "Sheep",
# merge datasets and samples using dplyr
samples_with_doi <- dplyr::inner_join(
by = dplyr::join_by(`_id.$oid` == `dataset_id.$oid`)
) %>%
dplyr::select(smarter_id, breed_code, breed.y, doi) %>%
# count how many samples come from each publication
samples_with_doi %>%
group_by(doi) %>%
summarise(counts = n())
Collect genotypes
The genotypes can’t be retrieved using the
smarter-api because they are available from the public FTP. You need to
download the files using an FTP client like FileZilla or lftp and then extract the genotypes
using plink. In
alternative, is it possible to download the genotypes using the
method of this package. This method
will download the genotypes from the FTP for the current releases of the
selected species and assembly and will return the
destination path of the downloaded archive:
downloaded_archive <- get_smarter_genotypes(
This method will download the genotypes in the current working
directory, or in the directory specified in the dest_path
argument. The genotypes will be stored in a compressed .zip
file, which need to be de-compressed in order to be used with plink.
Subset genotypes relying samples
After you have identified the samples of your interest, you can extract their genotypes from the proper file using plink. First, you have to write a TSV file with breed_code and smarter_id as columns. For example, using the samples selected above and dplyr:
selected_sheeps_ids <- italian_background_sheeps %>%
"breed_code", "smarter_id"
file = "selected_sheeps.txt",
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE
Next, you need to collect the proper plink options in order to not loose information from the plink file. The parameters used to generate the genotype files are tracked in the info endpoint. In this example, get parameters from Sheep genotypes:
info <- get_smarter_info()
plink_opts <- paste0(info$plink_specie_opt$Sheep, collapse = " ")
#> [1] "--chr-set 26 no-xy no-mt --allow-no-sex"
And finally you can call plink and providing your sample list: